
Baked Crab with Bonito Teriyaki Sauce


2 pieces           Medium Size Crab (around 700g)

1/2 piece          Chilly

1 piece             Young Onion

3 pieces            Garlic


2 tbsp              AjiDo (Bonito) Teriyaki Sauce

1/2 tbsp           Fish Gravy

Appropriate     Chinese Wine

Appropriate     Water

How to Do

1. Processing the crabs (wash and chop into small pieces).

2. Side ingredients preparation (shredded chilly, minced garlic, young onion into small pieces).

3. To prepare the sauce with 2 tbsp AjiDo (Bonito) Teriyaki Sauce, 1/2 tbsp fish gravy, 1 tbsp Chinese Wine and appropriate water.

4. Fry the crabs for 1 minute, put aside.

5. Sautee chilly and garlic , later with crabs.

6. Apply sauce and cook for 5 minutes. 

7. Apply appropriate Chinese Wine.

8. Ready to serve.

Video Tutorial

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