  • AjiDo Sauces & Ingredients - 邱师傅 Chef Khiew

    邱师傅 Chef Khiew

    AjiDo 的酱料真的是百搭。不管我要煮日式,西式或是中餐。那味道总是可以给我惊喜!正啊!

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  • AjiDo Sauces & Ingredients - Rhys (Mat Salleh Cari Makan)

    Rhys (Mat Salleh Cari Makan)

    Saya sejujurnya sangat impressed, sebab ni kali pertama saya cuba masak teriyaki chicken chop, dan rasa memang jadi (puji diri sendiri jap 😅) Itu kelebihan menggunakan Authentic Japanese Sauce dari Ajido Sauces - kita boleh dapat authentic Japanese taste 😋

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  • AjiDo Sauces & Ingredients - Ms C

    Ms C

    试过一次后全家都爱上了。尤其是现在疫情严重,每当想吃日本餐的时候,有了AjiDo Sauce就可以在家轻松准备啦!

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  • AjiDo Sauces & Ingredients - Faeiz Zerr

    Faeiz Zerr

    The best teriyaki sauce that i ever tasted. Simple to use and so versatile, my family like it so much!

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  • AjiDo Sauces & Ingredients - Hidayah


    I love to use AjiDo Sauce because their flavor is so special, especially the Bonito Teriyaki Sauce. Sweet and rich in Bonito flavor. Makes every meal extra tasty. Love it!

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